Drug Crimes

Drug Crime attorney Tucson

You may face serious penalties when you are accused of a drug-related crime. These penalties can range in severity depending on your specific charges. If you are unsure how to handle your case, a Tucson drug crime lawyer can provide the guidance you need.

At the Law Office of Trevor Hill, a drug crime attorney in Tucson is ready to fight back and help you get your charges reduced or dismissed when possible. We have the tools you need to gather evidence, prepare a defense, and be represented in court. Learn more about your options and how your attorney can help you.

Drug Testing in a Lab

Types of Drug Crimes in Tucson

When you are accused of drug-related offenses, you may need help navigating the penalties. Drug crimes include various charges, from possession to trafficking. The penalties can vary, so knowing what type of crime you face can help you understand how severe the penalties may be.

Below are some common drug crimes:

  • Drug distribution
  • Tucson marijuana possession
  • Prescription drug fraud
  • Synthetic drug charges, like LSD possession
  • Methamphetamine possession
  • Tucson opioid charges
  • Heroin distribution
  • Illegal drug manufacturing
  • Drug possession
  • Drug paraphernalia possession

Possession vs. Trafficking Charges in Arizona

When you seek a Tucson drug-related offenses lawyer, remember that your charges can vary in severity depending on the type of drugs, what you were accused of doing, and the amount of drugs that were on your person. Depending on these details, you may need a Tucson defense lawyer knowledgeable in drug trafficking to defend your case.

Your Tucson attorney can help you determine the severity of your case. For example, possession does not imply an intent to sell, so you may face lesser charges. The amount of drugs in your possession can also imply the intent to sell or distribute. If you are unsure what charges you face, contact a drug crime lawyer in Tucson. Our legal team has the resources and experience needed to craft a powerful defense strategy.

State vs. Federal Charges

In Arizona, you may need to determine whether you are being prosecuted on the state or federal level before you take action. Your attorney in Tucson may need to consider a different approach if you are charged on the federal level.

Generally, your charges are federal if you are accused of crossing state lines or the border of Mexico while breaking the law. If you are charged with selling drugs in multiple states or trafficking drugs across state lines, you may need a Tucson federal drug crime attorney on your side.

Penalties for a Tucson Drug Crime

Drug crime penalties in Tucson can be severe, depending on the charges. If you are charged with a felony, for example, you may be imprisoned for more than a year and potentially decades, depending on the details of your case.

Even a misdemeanor can be potentially devastating. Time in jail can impact your future, and the fines can be a great financial burden. That is why it is best to seek a lawyer to help you achieve the best outcome.

Below are some of the penalties your Tucson drug crime attorney can help you avoid:

  • Jail or prison time
  • High fines
  • Probation requirements
  • Collateral consequences
Lawyer Signing Documents at His Desk

Defenses for a Drug-Related Arrest

You need a strong defense when you are arrested for drug-related offenses. Your defense attorney can assist with handling devastating penalties or help avoid a potential conviction.

For example, search and seizure laws for drug crimes may affect your defense. You may have been unfairly searched according to the Fourth Amendment, and any evidence found during an illegal search and seizure can be suppressed.

Many hope to simply pay off their debts and finish their sentence, then have their case set aside and sealed. Sealing drug crime records in Tucson is not easy. You may be unable to seal a conviction for years, if ever, depending on the details of your case. You may have better chances to avoid the charges outright with the right Tucson drug crime defense strategies.

Seek Help from a Tucson Drug Crime Lawyer

If you want to protect your future from the penalties you may suffer when charged with a drug crime, Law Office of Trevor Hill is ready to help.

Our attorney offer expert, detailed defenses for our clients. When you are ready to seek help from a Tucson drug crime attorney, call 520-231-7916 or fill out our online contact form.